Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mud, brick and concrete....Home Sweet Home

After a day of socializing, collecting water, attempting to speak the local language and cycling, my hut is a place of desire. In fact, it is not only a place of desire for me but also for spiders, lizards, ants, an array foreign insects, and my personal favorite-mice (not!). My home has undergone many changes since I have first arrived. My hut was deemed under Peace Corps regulation size so a few local community members built another room out of brick, mud, sand, and concrete. I even received a tin roof rather than grass which was an added bonus to detract termites and other creatures. It was quite the process, taking over three months while I was living in the already existing section of the hut. I cherish this new room. Some have even called it a ‘posh corps’ home suggesting it is very ‘fancy and luxurious.’ Ha! It is not actually fancy but in terms of  Peace Corps village living I would say it is quite nice. 
My hut upon first arrival
Setting the foundation for new room 

Building away
Semi-finished product...Yay!

Bathing shelter upon arrival
New bathing shelter

My newly constructed room used as a sitting room

My second room used as a kitchen

My bedroom: I sleep under a mosquito net at night (also helpful for other potential rodents and bugs!)

Living quarters and bathing shelter. Picture taken in rainy season when everything is exceptionally green.
Remember: Home is the place we love best and grumble the most. ;)


  1. Hannah, this is great work. You are so articulate, I am drawn into your thoughts and feel like I get what you're saying, feeling, doing. Love it.
